Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / orprovenance of products exported to Algeria
The competent authority (1):这里保留空白,有些客户不接受留空可删掉
Attests to the request of (2): (这里填阿尔及利亚收货人名称和地址)
That the product (s) (3): (这里填出门产品)
relevant to sub-position(s) (这里填产品对应HS编码)
manufactured by (4)
: (这里填出口商)
Are in acordance with the reoulations in force or with theinterational standards when it comes to the re of thesafety and the protection of theconsumer'5).is absolutely contormto lnternatonal and Word Trade Oroanizaton ,T0 reauations,ISO9001-2000,(产品取得的相关认让标佳名称)is(are)marketed in(6)China